Hamlet Reflection

In my Hamlet essay my strengths were discussing characters response to injustice, and using quotes to support my arguments. My editing, and development of paragraphs could be improved as well as avoiding cliches. My introduction and conclusions need to be stronger, with better closing sentences.

This essay connect to general outcome 2, more specifially 2.1

2.1 Construct meaning from text and context 
All the text we studied connected to this outcome, but Hamlet was the script that took the most work to analyze context and interpret content. I used No Fear Shakespeare to understand this play better. To show my understanding of the play Hamlet I used quotations such as “Fie on’t! O fie! ‘tis an unweeded garden, that grows to seed: things rank and gross in nature.” from Act 1 scene 2 line 135. “Shakespeare advances the point “the dram of evil doth all noble substance of a doubt to his own scandal” (Act I Scene iv l. 36-38) speaking about rot or corruption. If one small piece has become rotten it ruins the whole object. Hamlet had to invoke so much death to remove the rot, and right the wrong Claudius had created,” comes from my essay about the correlation between response to injustice and self respect. These lines show how I used prior knowledge from English 10 and 20 to analyze Shakespeare and discuss subtext. 

This being my second essay for English 30-1 I feel that I have improved from my first in class essay but still have room to improve. In my next essay I hope to improve on my choice of words, use of quotations and use of past tense when discussing literature. 

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